
A Preparatory Grammar for New Testament Greek is unavailable, but you can change that!

Sidney D. Dyer’s A Preparatory Grammar for New Testament Greek is an introductory grammar to the Greek language. It follows a traditional approach to learning the language fostering a firm foundation of elementary grammatical concepts. With the idea in mind that proficiency in a language is gained through constant practice and repetition, Dyer provides us with a textbook heavy on practical...

He also called; whom He called, these (τούτους) He also justified; and whom He justified, these (τούτους) He also glorified.” Wallace, referring to the repetition of the demonstrative pronouns, states: the usage here seems to be emphatic and not merely resumptive. The idea is that the very ones whom God predestined, called, and justified are also glorified. The compounding of the pronouns thus has a dramatic effect: No one is lost between the eternal decree and the eternal state.66
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